Latest Past Events

Trivia Night – 90’s Theme

Torquay SLSC Hall 55 Beach Drive, Torquay

Bar open and food available.  90's Get a table together and join in the fun.  Tables from 4 people.  14 years & over welcome to join in.  Best dressed table prize, raffles & games. (bring your gold coins for entry and games) $2 entry per person.    

Trivia Night – POSTPONED Footy Fever

Torquay SLSC Hall 55 Beach Drive, Torquay

Bar open and food available.  Pies, hot dogs & chips. Get a table together and join in the fun.  Tables from 4 people.  14 years & over welcome to join in.  Best dressed table prize, raffles & games. (bring your gold coins for entry and games) $2 entry per person